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1. Kessler, Christel M., "Mecca-Oriented Urban Architecture in Mamluk Cairo: The Madrasa-Mausoleum of Sultan Shaʿban II." In In Quest of an Islamic Humanism: Arabic and Islamic Studies in Memory of Mohamed al-Nowaihi. Edited by Green, A. H.. 97-108. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 1984.
Subjects: Architecture/Individuals--Sha'ban b. Husayn
2. Kessler, Christel M.. "The Ṭashtimuriyya in Jerusalem in the Light of a Recent Architectural Survey." Levant 11, (1979): 138-161.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Jerusalem
3. Kessler, Christel M.. "The 'Imperious Reasons' that Flawed the Minaret-Flanked Setting of Sulṭān Ḥasan's Mausoleum in Cairo -- Another Note on Medieval Cairene On-Site Planning According to Street-Alignments and Mecca-Orientations." Damaszener Mitteilungen 11, (1999): 307-316, pls. 40-41.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo/Individuals--Hasan b. Muhammad
4. Kessler, Christel M., The Carved Masonry Domes of Medieval Cairo. 40 pp.. [Cairo]: Art and Archaeology Research Papers and the American University in Cairo Press, [1976].
Subjects: Architecture
5. Kessler, Christel M.. "Funerary Architecture within the City." In Colloque international sur l'histoire du Caire/al-Nadwah al-Duwalīyah li-Tārīkh al-Qāhirah, Edited by Raymond, André////, 257-267. Cairo, 27 March-5 April 1969. Cairo: Wizārat al-Thaqāfah, n.d..
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
6. Kessler, Christel M.. "ʿImārat al-Aḍriḥah fī Dākhil Madīnat al-Qāhirah (Mulakhkhaṣ)." In al-Nadwah al-Duwalīyah li-Tārīkh al-Qāhirah/Colloque international sur l'histoire du Caire, 865-868. Cairo, 27 March-5 April 1969. Cairo: Maṭbaʿat Dār al-Kutub, 1971.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
7. Kessler, Christel M.. "Mecca-Oriented Architecture and Urban Growth of Cairo." In Atti del terzo congresso di studi arabi e islamici, 425. Ravello, 1-6 September 1966. Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1967.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
8. Kessler, Christel M.. "Mecca-Oriented Architecture within an Urban Context: On a Largely Unexplored Building Practice of Medieval Cairo." In Arab Architecture: Past and Present, An exhibition presented by the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce at the Royal Institute of British Architects, Edited by Hutt, Antony, 13-20. London, 1984. Durham: Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, University of Durham, 1983.
Subjects: Architecture
9. Kessler, Christel M.. "Mecca-Oriented Building in Mediaeval Cairo." In Focus on Arab Architecture, Past . . . and Present, A Record of a Four-week Exhibition and Associated Functions, 44-52. London, 24 January-17 February 1984. London: Arab-British Chamber of Commerce, 1984.
Subjects: Architecture



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